This Firefox addon is handy...... anyway here goes...
This Firefox addon is handy...... anyway here goes...
(I have no. idea why I'm doing this : )
when in doubt join in! :lol:
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
Just to make the pics more interesting...
Graces in the Louvre
(No I didnt draw that)
And following the fun pic of 7:
Coincidentally, I did a 7 dwarf and snow white cache series yesterday...
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
:huh:Originally posted by nobbynobbs@Oct 8 2006, 09:35 PM
OK. Bearing in mind that I am not well acquainted with Mr Nobbs's thought processes, I found it quite difficult to locate the number 8 above. There is a possibility that the sheep only has eight spots, but I feel that's unlikely...
Can I assume that he ate lamb for Sunday dinner?
Or is it a number six pretending to be a nine?
Number 10
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
look at the sheep... two spots just like the centres of the two circles that make the shapre of number 8 thought i'd go for a little obscure!!!
Seeing as we're going off numbers and into numerical representations now...
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
( - agers )
Being boring now:
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
it's a f-16!!! :lol:
Soup, anyone?
What flavour Mrs B?
Not that I know chinese....
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
sorry i am not quite as obscure as mrs blorenge.. :lol: i am of little brain.
Can I be obscure? Depends on your field, music isn't really mine!
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
Originally posted by nobbynobbs@Oct 12 2006, 08:49 PM
sorry i am not quite as obscure as mrs blorenge.. :lol: i am of little brain.
Moi? Obscure? :
That was easier than your spotted sheep, Mr Nobbs!
... it was just a music score
Now, Edgemaster's really is obscure ... I'll have to think about that one all day...
... Oh! I don't!
Got it
Nice one, Edge
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Not quite a trig point, but almost! And two images because I feel like it...
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
(to one)...Worth a flutter?
OK Edgemaster ... I give in <_<
Explanation please.
wild guess it's the 34 department of france.
if you can't see this one you're colour blind. see amusing and helpful as well. :lol:
Yes, nobbynobbs, department 34, Hérault.
The american flag?
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
Sorry about the size of the image
Click the link :lol: what a daft song
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Aah! The puns, the puns to go with the tee! :P :P
Also, can I have 42 please? I have a nice cryptic one!
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
what give you the life the universe and everything?
only if you get in quick!
There are supposedly 10 solutions to this, give me some.
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
*sigh* no-one wants to step up and guess what links this with 42. It's not as hard as you think, there are at least 8 solutions, anyway!
Oh well, if no-one wants to try, they'd better get on with posting #43!
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.
well the obvious one is there are 42 of them. anything more clever than that i'm afraid leaves me for dead as thatsort of thing is not my forte.
which is why i don't often do the really hard puzzle caches out there.
I did think that they bottom line across should be binary 42 :huh: but then surely the bottom left ball ought to be blue, not white...
It's a long while since I had to think binary
Have you actually got the solutions, Edge?
Correct, in fact every row is binary 42 (0101010). Just work out what links the balls.
And, yes there being 42 balls is also an answer.
Where to go next? What does the barcode show? Where on earth are we looking at?
And, yes, I have 8 solutions.
If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.