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View Poll Results: I won

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  • I won (just click you know it makes sense)

    1 50.00%
  • I won anyway

    1 50.00%
Results 1 to 5 of 5

Thread: Do I win now?

  1. #1
    Rebble Guest


    I was kind and voted for all you losers but now I win so just vote you know it makes sense

    Or I will use my Mutant X powers to make you ill

    :unsure: : :wacko:

  2. #2
    nobbynobbs Guest


    thanks for the vote but you're still on just the one i'm afraid! you win the most annoying picture though!!!! :lol:

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    If you click and hold on the maximise/restore button top right, or on the minimise or close buttons, you can see the individual images that flashing one is made up of. Then move the mouse elsewhere before releasing it. Do it a few times and you can see all the individual images... :P
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  4. #4
    Rebble Guest


    P.S. Cool sick making pic. I found it on some french blog site.

    P.P.S. Sorry to anyone who suffered a seizure.

    P.P.P.S. Sorry to anyone who was sick

    Heres a nice picture of kittens to make you feel better

  5. #5
    Roving Rangies Guest


    The kitten are gorgeous!

    And yes! the moving avatar made me ill!

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