This will be the one and only post I place on this board. I have over the last few weeks watched the formation of GAGB with great intrest. I support its formation and wish it every sucess. But and there has to be a but. I have no idea what I have done to upset the founders of GAGB. The site we (Ian and I) run provides services to the UK Geocaching Community. We do not charge for this service and never will. Ok we import merchandise into the UK and sell it to cachers in Europe as well as the UK. If you think it is easy and proffit making just think of this. I ordered some items of merchandise from the USA value of 600 dollers by the time shipping, duty and vat are added the total cost was some 1000 dollers. I sell the merchandise as a service not to make a fortune. I infact I make a bit more from selling it to those guys in Europe. I have offered my help in the past and it has been rejected. For instance somewhere in these forums someone I think Tim was asking if anyone had a badge machine and it was surgested that he ask me. I would of been happy to make as many badges etc as GAGB wanted at the price they cost me to make ie: no profit. But was I contacted what do you think? I will be at the HCC event this Saturday and yes I will be selling items of merchandise. Remember you dont have to buy it do you. Talking of the event I am providing a GPS prize for the event I am also producing personalised pin badges for all at the event that want one both cachers and non cachers alike FOR FREE. I am also going down to Hampshire tonight so I can be there and help The Bramblers with the set up etc. For all the people that support what Ian and myself do thanks for those that dont that is your choice but for gods sake lets try to get on for the good of geocaching.