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View Poll Results: what weather stops you caching?

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  • 5 inches of mud

    0 0%
  • heavy rain

    9 36.00%
  • snow (how deep?)

    2 8.00%
  • fog

    1 4.00%
  • sunshine

    1 4.00%
  • whether you'll end up divorced!!!

    4 16.00%
  • die hard none of the above nothing stops me

    8 32.00%
Results 1 to 12 of 12

Thread: too muddy?

  1. #1
    nobbynobbs Guest


    so what does it take to make you roll over and go back to bed? :lol:

  2. #2
    KathyXB Guest


    Only if I'm ill! :P

  3. #3
    Roving Rangies Guest


    Deepsnow would stop me, as I would be out playing in it!

  4. #4
    nobbynobbs Guest


    i thought certain other things might stop me but now know otherwise :lol: just a matter of timing.

    and why can't you play in the snow and cache? find a cache either at top or bottom of hill and take a sled!!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales


    We don't do hard-core caching. (It's time to come clean here) We look out the window and if it's a nice day and we've got nothing more urgent to do (I know, define "urgent" ) we'll say, "Let's go out somewhere for a walk". Then we decide where we fancy going and only then do we look to see what caches are in that area.

    We're not numbers people. (You can tell? )

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    she says recently having done 10 in a day

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    My caching is more dependant on the kids on a tues and Thurs I have nearly 4 hours before pre-school pick up, mon weds fri only 3 hours and considering most of my nearest caches are an hours drive away!!!
    blizzard on a tues? LETS CACHE

  8. #8
    Rebble Guest


    I have to admit I am not an obssesive cacher so if there is a light breeze in a vaguely westerly direction I'm off to the beach with a buggy and kite and a GPS to steer by.

  9. #9
    nobbynobbs Guest


    understandable, that sort of falls into the sunshine bracket. weather too good for you to go caching.
    not that there is such a time for me!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    How did I miss this?

    Unfortunately, work stops me from caching at the moment. I have a long todo list, and have yet to find one in 2007!

    But, I have placed one...
    If there was a competition for witty signatures, I'd come last.

  11. #11
    nobbynobbs Guest


    you've got 5 days, surely you can find time to get in at least one per month???

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    I used to cache in all these conditions - when initially obsessive and chasing the first 100. Caching these days is generally a family affair and I have even driven to a parking place and everyone else has then voted not to brave the driving rain

    Snow would also stop caching because the kids would want to play in it (that's all of us ).

    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
    GAGB Friend

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