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Thread: Committee

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    AS OF 09:33am Monday 11/08/03

    Hi everybody,

    I'm sure you all know by now that the motion of having a "Chair" plus five other and unspecified positions (thus allowing the committee to take shape and evolve as time progresses) has been carried by a poll of the members. Please see HERE if you missed that.

    The time has arrived to collect nominations for that position of "Chair".

    Please post your nominations here, and if you wish to, include any reasons supporting your candidate.

    In view of the point raised by Paul G0TLG below, the nominations will remain open until 09:00am 11th August in order to allow those on holiday to make their nominations. The poll itself will also have to run for three weeks.

    The following is now invalid.
    Nominations will be open until 09:00am on Monday 28th after which we will compile a list for a poll which will also run for one week.
    Current status of the nominations :(in alphabetical order)
    Correct as of Aug 7 2003, 06:17 PM

    • Pending Acceptance
      • none

    • Nominations Accepted
      • Pharisee
      • Tim and June

    • Nominations Declined
      • Jstead
      • Lost in Space
      • Team Tate
      • The Wombles

    Please post your nominations/aceptances/refusals in this thread.

  2. #2
    Paul G0TLG Guest


    Sorry to throw a spanner in the works at such an early stage, but...could I request that the poll run for longer? Monday 28th is the first day of my two week holiday B) and I'm very unlikely to be near a PC with internet access in that time.

    Since this is the start of the main hol season, I'm probably not the only one in that situation...


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by Paul G0TLG@Jul 21 2003, 08:28 AM
    Since this is the start of the main hol season, I'm probably not the only one in that situation...
    Fair comment !

    I have asked for feedback in this thread.

    Meanwhile we should continue to take nominations.

  4. #4
    Chris n Maria Guest



    I think this got lost in the rest of the discussion - so I'm bouncing it back up

    Can I suggest a mail shot to all members to say that this is going on as few people check the boards.
    Judging from the other thread the plan is to nominate and vote for a chairman first then the rest of the comittee.

    To start the ball rolling I would like to nominate Tim & June who have devoted an awfull lot of their spare time to GAGB and UK cachingl. Personally I don't think we could be in better hands than people who have a proven record of working with the media and landowners. Obviously that depends on whether they want the job or not - I havn't asked them but hope they do?

    But lets have some other nominations - there are plenty of good, hardworking people in GAGB, anyone else fancy the job?


  5. #5
    The Hornet Guest


    I like Chris' idea of a general e-mailing of the membership to let everyone know that this important process is taking place. It was only by chance that I saw this discussion thread on the forum this evening. I guess I'd have heard about it at Winchester if I'd been able to attend.

    One possible problem though. When suggesting nominations, the person nominated obviously has to be a member of GAGB. But how do I know if the person (people) I suggest is a member? If they contribute to the forums it's easy, but not everybody does.

    I'm just posing the question. I don't have a solution so it's over to you...... :huh:

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by The Hornet@Jul 22 2003, 09:08 PM
    But how do I know if the person (people) I suggest is a member? If they contribute to the forums it's easy, but not everybody does.
    That's a very good point.

    I can only suggest thay you either check with your nominee or nominate anyway, and the caretaking committee can check.

    Well spotted that man !
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    I&#39;m nominating Tim and June for joint Chairmanship.

    Whilst it might get a little crowded if they both use the Chair at the same time, it seems to me that they both make major contribution to everything that they do, they always cache together as a single unit so it is appropriate that they share the Chair.

    If other members feel that this is inappropriate because they feel that the nomination should be for a single person only, then would they please open a new thread for that debate to leave this one for nominations only?

    Supporting information for my nomination is that T&J have driven much of the dialogue behind the scenes of GAGB and made it happen. They are amoungst the most active and highest contributors to UK caching, carry the respect of to give GAGB credibility, and feel passionately about GAGB to put time into moving it forwards. They have also demonstrated their willingness to listen to others and allow democracy to take it&#39;s course. Plus of course they enabled UK caching to survive and thrive through the MoD Ant crisis.

    Oh, and by the way, they were willing to accept my (un-prompted) nomination.


    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
    GAGB Friend

  8. #8
    Paul G0TLG Guest


    Oh Bum&#33; I was going to nominate T&J as well...


    (Edited for spelling 22/7/03)

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Gee, thanks you guys, June and I would be honoured to accept your nominations and stand for election.

    Thank you for your votes of confidence.

    Please though, do continue make your nominations, because there must be others who could do an equally good job.
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  10. #10
    The Hornet Guest


    Originally posted by The Wombles@Jul 22 2003, 10:16 PM
    Whilst it might get a little crowded if they both use the Chair at the same time,
    Well I&#39;m sure June could sit on Tim&#39;s knee so they would only need one chair But on second thoughts, given the state of Tim&#39;s knee maybe he should sit on June&#39;s

    If there&#39;s any seconding required, put me down to second this excellent suggestion. Although we&#39;ve disagreed about things in the past we&#39;ve always managed to do so in a friendly and hopefully constructive way. Long may they continue.

    Now how about some other nominations for the rest of the committee, maybe even north of the "Southern Mother Lode" of geocaching (Hampshire&#33 to spread the representation around the country?

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    St Helens, Lancs, UK


    Add my backing to Tim and June for all the reasons already given.
    Enjoy your caching!

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    we endorse Tim & June for the Chair
    Purley for there Enthusiam and Dedication to Geocaching GB

    Hypothetical point:- What would happen if it came to tied vote and the chair had the casting vote and both holder of the chair post had different views

    Tim And June for priminister "so long has they don&#39;t have to sing When i&#39;m 64"

    If it ain&#39;t broke don&#39;t fix it
    Geocachers do it by Degrees

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hampshire, UK


    I also nominate Tim & June (T&J) for the post of Chair. B)

    If they show even half the amount of dedication that I, and others, have already seen, then the job will be done with large amounts of professionalism, and diligence.

    Having now met them at the HCC cache bash, I&#39;m more than happy to say we&#39;ll be doing OK if they are heading the GAGB.


    BTW, thanks for the admin email. I&#39;d have missed this topic in the recent noise level if I hadn&#39;t seen it...
    One day my sigline will stop changing.
    Until then, it's "Lost in the woods? Not if you remembered to waypoint the car!!".

  14. #14
    The Hornet Guest


    Oops, wrong thread. Very sorry&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

  15. #15
    Chris n Maria Guest


    <Wrong thread - sorry I blame Hornet for leading me astray >


  16. #16

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    This thread is about Chair nominations.

    Please lets keep it on track.
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  17. #17

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Newcastle upon Tyne


    Hi Peeps..

    I have been doing my homework on who I think would make amn excellent chair and help take the association forward.

    As I ran out of darts I have narrowed my nominations down to two teams.

    Jstead and Team Wombles.

    I hope both of these will accept the nomination.. and when it comes to the vote.. I will get more darts..
    Moss The Boss... Sorta

  18. #18
    Teasel Guest


    Errrm, yeah, what they said - wrong thread&#33;

  19. #19

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by Moss Trooper@Jul 23 2003, 04:13 PM
    Hi Peeps..

    I have narrowed my nominations down to two teams.

    Jstead and Team Wombles.

    I hope both of these will accept the nomination.. and when it comes to the vote.. I will get more darts..
    We second both of these nominations.

    The Wombles have been caching since 2001. Amongst the most prolific placers and of the very highest quality. During the time they have been on the caretaking committee, they have been unstinting in their efforts, also emailing as many other associations around the World as they could find and setting up a dialogue with them. Also, their letter writing skills are beyond reproach.

    Probably amongst the longest standing cachers in the UK is JStead. Always very active in the forums and in "the field". A very constructive type of person all round. He has ridden out all the storms that geocaching can throw and experience is an invaluable asset in the position of Chair.
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  20. #20

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    Originally posted by Moss Trooper@Jul 23 2003, 04:13 PM
    Hi Peeps..

    I have been doing my homework on who I think would make amn excellent chair and help take the association forward.

    As I ran out of darts I have narrowed my nominations down to two teams.

    Jstead and Team Wombles.

    I hope both of these will accept the nomination.. and when it comes to the vote.. I will get more darts..
    Appreciate the nomination but can&#39;t accept. Our other commitments don&#39;t allow time for these responsibilities and we&#39;re not available at the times of day that strong leadership is sometimes needed (evidenced by the previous flame wars). Would be very happy to assist in some other role but not as Chair.

    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
    GAGB Friend

  21. #21
    Chris n Maria Guest


    I feel another Paxman moment coming on :unsure:
    Where we are at now:

    Nominee - Do they want the job?
    JStead - ?
    T&J - Accepted
    The Wombles - Declined


  22. #22
    Chris n Maria Guest


    Sumarising from the other thread we now have:

    Nominee - Do they want the job?
    JStead - ?
    T&J - Accepted
    Team Tate - ?
    The Wombles - Declined

  23. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    St Helens, Lancs, UK


    Woops - stay off a forum for three days and what happens, I get nominated for a job&#33;
    Immensely flattered but sorry I must decline:-
    1. I&#39;ve already put Tim and June forward as my nomination
    2. I really have not the time at the present time - retired I may be but I have two major commitments
    3. I&#39;m not really that experienced
    So thank you but no - glad to help in other ways but not in the Chair.
    Enjoy your caching!

  24. #24
    Chris n Maria Guest


    It&#39;s looking like a one horse race:

    Nominee - Do they want the job?
    JStead - Declined
    T&J - Accepted
    Team Tate - Declined
    The Wombles - Declined

  25. #25

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    C&#39;mon you guys, let&#39;s have some more nominations here.

  26. #26

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    St Helens, Lancs, UK


    What&#39;s wrong with a one horse race - if the horse is the right one?
    Enjoy your caching!

  27. #27
    Wood Smoke Guest


    Originally posted by jstead@Jul 30 2003, 03:52 PM
    What&#39;s wrong with a one horse race - if the horse is the right one?
    What he said :-)


  28. #28
    seifer Guest


    I&#39;d like to add my name to the long list of people who are backing T&J, the effort that they have put into geocaching in the uk is second to none and i believe that they will do a great job of representing us&#33;


  29. #29
    SimonG Guest


    I think they&#39;ve probably had enough seconding/thirding/fourthing by now, but I eighth/ninth/tenth (delete as appropriate) Tim & June.

  30. #30
    MCL Guest


    Yeah, what SimonG said.

  31. #31

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Amesbury Wiltshire


    We nominate Tim & June for the position of Chair Persons. Perhaps Tim could use his woodworking skills, so plainly obvious at Quantum Leap 1 to make a larger chair to accommodate 2 people.

    Colin & Daphne

  32. #32
    paul.blitz Guest


    Originally posted by jstead@Jul 27 2003, 11:41 PM
    3. I&#39;m not really that experienced
    Hey, since when has EXPERIENCE been a pre-requisite to be on a committee / chair a committee.

  33. #33
    The Hornet Guest


    I&#39;ve just realised that there is one glaring omission in the nominations for both chairman and committee member for GAGB. As I&#39;ve already nominated someone for committee I feel it only right and proper to give my nomination for chairman. I&#39;ve already seconded T&J for the "Chair" so if anyone objects to this post please do so politely and I&#39;ll withdraw&#33; However I&#39;ll only do so on condition that he gets nominated to the general committee.

    This nominee is just the sort of level headed, eccentric, obsessed barm pot we need. He can cut through the c**p and get straight to the crux of the argument. He is a committed cacher and can always be found where there is a pint (or several) to be had. He has found over 300 caches and had planted his fair share. Not only that but he has the craziest hat you could hope to see.

    The only downside is that he lives in L***n but I suppose nobdy&#39;s perfect

    I&#39;ve not asked his permission to nominate him but I hope he accepts in the spirit it was intended.

    Who do you think?
    Pharisee of course

  34. #34

    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Stevenage, Herts


    Originally posted by The Hornet@Aug 3 2003, 03:12 PM
    ........but I suppose nobdy&#39;s perfect
    "nobdy"?? - I guess so.............

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  35. #35

    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Stevenage, Herts


    I will second Dad&#39;s suggestion for Pharisee, (us oldies must stick together).

    However, shouldn&#39;t he proposed as "wall" person??

    :P :P :P :P

  36. #36
    Omally Guest


    It&#39;s hard to think of anyone more suitable for the Chair than Tim & June. However, in the interest of democracy (Admin told us to nominate more&#33:

    As Hornet is too grumpy to accept a nomination for chair I would like to nominate another mature, level-headed, reasonable chap for the position of chair. He&#39;s also a very active cacher (I think the word is "Spry" when you get to his age&#33; ) and definitely one of the stalwarts of geocaching. Someone who would be emminently suited to such a dignified position as chair, if not then at least a place on the committee.

    Of course, you can probably make a wild stab in the dark as to whom I am on about... it&#39;s Geocachings most famous "Grandad"...

    Lost in Space, c&#39;mon down&#33; B)

    As with Hornets nomination, I hope this is accpeted in the spirit it was intended.

  37. #37
    Chris n Maria Guest


    So I make the position now:

    Nominee - Do they want the job?
    JStead - Declined
    Lost in Space - ?
    Pharisee - ?
    T&J - Accepted
    Team Tate - Declined
    The Wombles - Declined

  38. #38

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bedfordshire, UK


    Originally posted by The Hornet@Aug 3 2003, 03:12 PM

    I&#39;ve not asked his permission to nominate him but I hope he accepts in the spirit it was intended.

    You ARE joking.... right????

    Peter, that was a despicable thing to do to someone who&#39;s invited you into their home (well... back garden, anyway), shared their beer with you and called you &#39;friend&#39;.

    Sorry, guys, there is just no way I&#39;m standing against Tim and June for the head honcho&#39;s job (especially as the pay is so poor ).

    As for the committee.... To quote that well known golfer... &#39;You CANNOT be serious &#33;&#33;&#33;&#39;
    I&#39;ve spent my entire adult life actively avoiding responsibility of any sort. I&#39;m much too old and &#39;ornery to change now. There are people out there that would actually LIKE to serve on the committee. Best let them have the chance, eh.

    Thanks anyway..... I&#39;m really flattered


    PS... I only joined the GAGB to see what my number was
    Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.

  39. #39

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by Chris n Maria@Aug 4 2003, 08:36 AM
    So I make the position now:

    Nominee - Do they want the job?

    . . .
    Hi C&M,

    Looks like you haven&#39;t noticed that the current state of play is posted at the top of this thread.

    But thanks for your efforts though.
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  40. #40

    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Stevenage, Herts


    I am honoured by the nomination though there is no way that I could be considered against such respected company as T&J, so in order to save myself public humilation at receiving 0% of any vote, I respectfully decline.
    Thanks for the thought, however.
    B) B)

  41. #41
    The Hornet Guest


    Originally posted by Pharisee@Aug 4 2003, 08:40 AM
    You ARE joking.... right????

    Peter, that was a despicable thing to do to someone who&#39;s invited you into their home (well... back garden, anyway), shared their beer with you and called you &#39;friend&#39;.
    No I wasn&#39;t joking

    Despicable - I don&#39;t think so&#33; I was thinking of the contribution you have already made to geocaching both by placing some excellent caches and by your very sensible and down to earth postings here and on GC.COM. I felt that your straightforward approach would be jut what we want in GAGB.

    Anyway, if you don&#39;t want the position that&#39;s fine but PLEASE believe I proposed you for the most honourable reasons.

    If you won&#39;t stand for chairman, PLEASE reconsider your refusal to stand as general committee member. You are just the sort of person we need.

    Oh yes, when you are passing I&#39;ve got some cans in the fridge&#33;


  42. #42
    MCL Guest


    To have a leader elected unopposed is very bad for democracy. From the outside it looks like a stitchup (whether or not it actually is, matters not) and no matter how good the leader is that gets so elected, it is likely to put other people off from joining a group that is so obviously undemocratic.

    We must have at least one other person to stand against T&J just to make it look more palatable to the outside world. Someone asked elswhere about how we can encourage people to join us. Having a one-horse race right from the very start is no way to go about it. The other person however, does need to be someone who doesn&#39;t mind losing miserably

  43. #43
    Wood Smoke Guest


    Originally posted by MCL@Aug 5 2003, 01:51 AM
    We must have at least one other person to stand against T&J
    I disagree&#33;&#33;&#33;

    Having a chair elected unaposed shows strength in the membership not weakness.

    If following the threads anyone can read for themselves the reason why T&J are unaposed.......

    They are the right people for the job

    Having someone stand just to make people vote is demeaning and wrong :-(


  44. #44

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bedfordshire, UK


    Originally posted by The Hornet@Aug 4 2003, 08:13 PM
    If you won&#39;t stand for chairman, PLEASE reconsider your refusal to stand as general committee member. You are just the sort of person we need.
    Sorry, Peter, I know you weren&#39;t joking.

    As I&#39;ve said somewhere else, I&#39;ve always avoided being involved with committees, teams and the like. I don&#39;t work well as part of a &#39;team&#39;, I tend to be a bit &#39;volatile&#39; when people don&#39;t see things my way&#33;&#33;&#33;. I&#39;m sure that if I was actually elected as a committee member, I would be more of a hindrance than a help. The first elected committee of the GAGB will be under intense scrutiny and should be composed of the best people available, not irascible ol&#39; farts like me.
    Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.

  45. #45
    MCL Guest


    Originally posted by Wood Smoke+Aug 5 2003, 07:31 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Wood Smoke @ Aug 5 2003, 07:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--MCL@Aug 5 2003, 01:51 AM
    We must have at least one other person to stand against T&J
    I disagree&#33;&#33;&#33;

    Having a chair elected unaposed shows strength in the membership not weakness.

    If following the threads anyone can read for themselves the reason why T&J are unaposed.......

    They are the right people for the job

    Having someone stand just to make people vote is demeaning and wrong :-(

    WoodSmoke [/b][/quote]
    I din&#39;t mean to suggest it showed weakness in the membership, just that it was bad for democracy. Not the same thing.

    It certainly would show strength in the membership. The question is whether such a show would be good for us in the long run. I personally doubt it, but I know others will not agree.

    It depends how much of a deal we want to make about our organisation being "democratic". If you think it ought, then electing the first leader unopposed makes such a claim of democracy that much harder.

    That is all I was trying to say.


  46. #46
    BugznElm&#39;r Guest


    Originally posted by MCL@Aug 6 2003, 01:09 AM
    Having a chair elected unaposed shows strength in the membership not weakness.
    How about having an option in the vote of "none of the above"?

    Voting ... American style (OK, without hanging chads&#33 h34r:

  47. #47

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    St Helens, Lancs, UK


    Enjoy your caching!

  48. #48

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by MCL@Aug 5 2003, 01:51 AM
    We must have at least one other person to stand against ...
    You offering ?

  49. #49
    BugznElm&#39;r Guest


    Originally posted by jstead@Aug 6 2003, 10:38 AM
    Having an option, in addition to those standing for the post, called "None of the above" ... common in US elections and shows the strength of feeling against those standing (if there is any). That way no one if forced to vote one way or not vote at all ...

    Gets around the problems that MCL raised.

  50. #50
    Mr &amp; Mrs Hedgehog Guest


    But to have someone stand against T&J then they must be proposed by someone who thinks they will be better than T&J and then vote for them in the election. It&#39;s no good someone proposing someone else just that T&J have some competition, then voting for T&J in the election. If no one can think of anyone better than T&J, then they will be the only candidate.

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