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Thread: Tracklog Highland high way

  1. #1
    thira en candor Guest


    We are making plans to walk the Highland high way from Fort William to Drymen (Yes, backwards;-) in may 2007.

    We bought ourselves the necessary ordnance survey maps and "The Highland Highway" by Heather Connon & Paul Roper.

    With the descriptions in that book however, it will be very hard to find the route in opposite direction.

    So we are looking for a GPS tracklog of this Route. Can you please help us?

    Thira en Candor (Netherlands)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    As you haven't got any responses, you might want to try posting in the Groundspeak UK forum here.
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    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

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