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Thread: Important Announcement re London Caches

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    North Wales


    "On the 23rd of January 2007, the GAGB Committee were contacted by an Officer from the Specialist Search Unit of the Metropolitan Police Force, regarding geocaching in the SW1, Whitehall, St James & Green Parks.

    Geocaching was brought to their attention after 2 geocachers were stopped and searched due to what was described as acting in a suspicious manner. On explaining geocaching to the officers, they were allowed to go on their way.

    Matt Wagster [Badger] acting on behalf of the GAGB Committee, made contact with the Officer who had initiated the contact, and discussed geocaching with him. He also passed on contact details for one of the UK Reviewer Team. The discussion was very constructive about geocaching and the issues raised.

    The following day the officer made contact with Dave Palmer [Deceangi UK Volunteer Reviewer]. A very constructive conversation followed, during which the Officer explained the concerns that his unit had with geocaching in these areas.

    The following were agreed between Deceangi and the Officer, to allow the caches currently located in these areas to remain, and for future caches to be placed in the areas, without the Metropolitan Police Force objecting to them.

    1: Due to the high security status of these areas:



    St James and Green Parks

    Cachers are requested to try to avoid acting in a suspicious or furtive manner, when searching for a geocache or when placing one.

    2:The following prominent warning to be placed on all cache pages in plain text, within the
    areas affected by this agreement.

    "This cache is located within an area frequently patrolled by Police. Please avoid acting suspiciously whilst searching for it, and if challenged, explain about geocaching"

    3: All containers to be clearly marked as Geocaches.

    4: All owners of caches in the affected areas to provide a written description of the container and a general description of how it is hidden [e.g. magnetic, under bush, attached to underside of seat]. These written descriptions to be updated immediately if the container is changed or moved.

    5: Cache owners to provide a photograph of the container [to be updated immediately if the container is changed].

    6: Deceangi to act as liaison between the Metropolitan Police Unit and the UK Reviewer Team and UK geocaching community.

    7: Deceangi to provide and maintain an up-to-date cache location map of the affected areas.

    Provided that the agreed information is provided and kept up-to-date, the Specialist Search Unit from the Metropolitan Police Force have no objections to Geocaching continuing in these areas.

    Over the next few weeks Deceangi will contact all affected cache owners, to request the required information from them.

    The GAGB committee due to the serious nature of the issues raised by the Metropolitan Police Unit have agreed to place the details of the agreement into the GAGB GLAD

    *Bill Daly - Bill D (wwh)* [Chairman GAGB]

    *Dave Edwards- The Wombles*

    *Tony Pinnington - mongoose39uk*

    *Matt Pringle - nobby.nobbs*

    *Fiona Robertson - The Nutters*

    *Matt Wagster - Mattwaggie (Badger)*

    Eckington Volunteer UK Reviewer

    Lactodorum Volunteer UK reviewer

    Dave Palmer-Deceangi Volunteer UK reviewer -
    Geocaching Liaison to the Metropolitan Police Force [Specialist
    Search Unit]"

    Due to the serious nature of the issues raised, the UK Reviewer Team have after discussing the issue between themselves. Have decided to immediately Temporarily Archive all caches in the affected areas. Each cache will be Un-Archived once it complies with all parts of the agreement. Deceangi
    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales


    The above is an excellent example of what GAGB does so well.
    Thanks to all who gave their time to this, and brought about this sensible compromise.

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