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Thread: more members

  1. #1
    nobbynobbs Guest


    so how can we attract some more people to the site and then make them keep coming back?

    the fact that the forums get used a fair bit but they are american run....

    should we do something at the bashes ? the season is starting so some way of making more people aware of us and letting them know what they can do here.

    any ideas?

  2. #2
    keehotee Guest


    How about setting up a slush fund - then we go to loads of bashes, get people drunk, and sign 'em up before they sober up....?

    Or.... getting some little (like folded up to credit card sized) leaflets printed off, for people to drop into caches..?? If someone can come up with one standard design, we could all print our own off?

  3. #3
    cacherelle Guest


    Yeah the cards sound good kehotee, or stickers that people can stick on their caches, and matching logo for window stickers for their cars??

  4. #4
    nobbynobbs Guest


    i did have the idea of a slightly different cache note that listed the gagb web address and phone number instead of the one. not sure how popular that would be.

    i know there are people far more artistic than i on here.

    maybe we need a competition to design the best car sticker. people then print it themselves and do the honours.

  5. #5
    jimblonduk Guest


    Something like this ?

    Cache sticker

    I feel proud to only set caches according to the guidelines, maybe this would encourage others to do the same.

    Car sticker

  6. #6
    keehotee Guest


    Perhaps it would be better to emphasize the fun/social aspects of membership rather than the beaurocratic side of the GAGB - perhaps by organizing a few bashes?
    Emphasizing the rule-making role of GAGB may put some people off?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    North Wales


    Originally posted by keehotee@Mar 28 2007, 01:40 PM
    Perhaps it would be better to emphasize the fun/social aspects of membership rather than the beaurocratic side of the GAGB - perhaps by organizing a few bashes?
    Emphasizing the rule-making role of GAGB may put some people off?
    The GAGB are not the bureaucratic side of geocaching nor are they the rule makers. The association is the support side of geocaching in the UK. You only have to look at the No of areas which remain open to geocaching after negotiations by members.

    The GAGB Guidelines are "Best Practice" unless they form part of a Landowner Agreement, and even then it is down to the UK Reviewers to enforce.

    Part of the problem is that all the hard work carried out especially by the committee, is so deeply hidden that the membership or potential members never see any of it, until the end result. Which in most cases is to keep a area open to the UK Geocaching community.

    More information needs to be made available on the sort of background work done that goes into obtaining a Landowner Agreement, and the future benefits to the whole of the UK Geocaching community by being a member.

    One benefit is that the Association can act as a unified voice for the community, if the government ever decided to bring in major legislation regarding geocaching in the UK. The Ramblers Association had a small start, but is now a major voice for it's membership.
    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  8. #8
    keehotee Guest


    Don't get me wrong - I wasn't criticizing the work that the committee does - not at all - but the thread was about encouraging more people to join.
    Let's be honest - most cachers aren't interested in policy or landowner agreements - they just like to get out in the open and find tupperware. Surely if you want to boost membership, those are the people you want to target?

  9. #9
    nobbynobbs Guest


    trouble is there is a fair number who have no idea that we are here at all.!

    so as much as anything we need to make people aware of the quick benefits to them, using the web address and listing the contact phone number means that your cache may be saved from destruction by someone getting an answer from a human.

    ok so we don't get thanks for an agreement, no problems.

    more people here mean more people to organise new agreements and less chance that the agreements we have will be broken by ignorance.

  10. #10
    cacherelle Guest


    Sorry for butting in, being new an' all, but just playing devils advocate. I think a lot of what's been said depends on WHO you are wanting to target. Is this the current membership that don't post, members that frequent the .com site and not here, or brand new members to geocaching?

    You say new members, which is fine, but there are currently 2240 registered members, a huge percentage of which that have never posted. There could be a number of reasons for this; perhaps the content doesn't interest them, maybe they are apprehensive with the forum format (although this will be easier with vBull) or too scared as they are completely new to caching and don't understand the lingo etc, maybe potential spammers or have they signed up to protect their username that they use on the .com site? Does that all not need considering before you try and recruit more that maybe won't post??

    From my experience I was immediately directed to the main .com site, and then as I'm fairly aux fais with forums, I found my way into their forum. I did look around and check out the links a bit but nothing really inspired me and I went back to the .com forum. It was only til an existing member here suggested this site, that I ventured in......................and unluckily for you guys, I am comfortable with forums and so began to post.

    Also what exactly do you want to achieve? Just a raised membership number, raised awareness, just more posts from anyone out in the virtual world, or totally new actual cachers?

    Defining who and what you want may help determine where you go from here...............and if you are changing the forum software, that would be a good time to change it all

    I'll shut up now! :P

  11. #11
    Alice Band Guest


    One of the things I think we could do is follow in the footsteps of some American state level caching associations and getting our own symbol added to the list of the current ones that can be displayed in your stats box. If you type in codes other than the geologo or for signal the frog you get logos for the state based groups. So how about us?

    Naturally another would be to organise get-togethers under the auspices of GAGB such as BBQ's in the summer for people to meet, relax and cache together, or weekends with proper prize winning competitions with perhaps coin makers and caching suppliers sponsoring the prizes and event? I've noticed that America is in the lead at the moment with competition-only caching events. It would certainly encourage cachers to get together in groups, meet newbies and form competing groups that might meet to cache at other weekends.

    Setting up our own shop selling things like T-Shirts etc and bumper stickers. Easily arranged with the Net Cafe thing without the worry of overheads. Personalised swag with the logo would certainly advertise us more to the rest of the UK. Bumper stickers and other stuff to place on cars. Anything to make us more visible.

    Have a look at the Belgian equivalent of us here and the German one. They both produce their own Geocoin, sell lots of logo'd swag and organise mega events.

  12. #12
    nobbynobbs Guest


    firstly cacherelle please don't shut up!! that's the point we want more people to say more things.

    to try and answer the questions "yes" sorry

    we'd like all the registered members to come in once in a while and post or just read.
    we'd like new people to be kidnapped from the other side aka :lol:
    and we'd love to encourage totally new cachers.

    and yes i know that each of those is a completely seperate entity that requires different approaches to acheive them. so as many ideas as possible, don't edit yourself, an idea that you think doesn't have legs might trigger some one else to think.

    will have to think about the idea of merchandising. not sure what the ohters on the committee think or whether there would be any problems with copyright and so on.

    keep them coming

  13. #13
    cacherelle Guest


    Originally posted by Alice Band@Mar 29 2007, 08:24 PM
    One of the things I think we could do is follow in the footsteps of some American state level caching associations and getting our own symbol added to the list of the current ones that can be displayed in your stats box. If you type in codes other than the geologo or for signal the frog you get logos for the state based groups. So how about us?

    Naturally another would be to organise get-togethers under the auspices of GAGB such as BBQ's in the summer for people to meet, relax and cache together, or weekends with proper prize winning competitions with perhaps coin makers and caching suppliers sponsoring the prizes and event? I've noticed that America is in the lead at the moment with competition-only caching events. It would certainly encourage cachers to get together in groups, meet newbies and form competing groups that might meet to cache at other weekends.

    Corrrr blimey Alice Band, you've made me want to come along already!! The competition avenue sounds very interesting!!

    The logo in the stats box sounds good too.........................I'm guessing some of this may be restricted so as to not conflict with

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    The logo in the stats box sounds good too... I'm guessing some of this may be restricted so as to not conflict with
    In our profile we have COTM stats and Trig stats, all a GAGB stats is surely just to show we support caching in the UK? Sort of like "We belong to this State geocaching club" ?

    It doesn&#39;t say "We don&#39;t like" Does it? <_<

    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  15. #15
    nobbynobbs Guest


    i&#39;m sure that it could be done without too much hassle.

    so we&#39;ll have a representative at every bash wearing a branded t-shirt tying to flog merchandise&#33;&#33; except that detours slightly from the idea... it&#39;s not to make money it&#39;s to raise awareness.

    though maybe this is the way i can make that elusive first million that all these business people talk about. :lol:

  16. #16
    Alice Band Guest


    Here are some stat box examples from the GC home site to help you get a picture of what I mean. The account used is a example account.

    Standard cache stats box

    Signal stats box

    Georgia Geocaching Association stats box

    Alabama Geocaching Association stats box

    etc etc.

    If we can simplify the Geo-G into an icon we can then create linking banners etc for UK cachers who have homepages, or just have a specific icon for linking. Most certainly we should have a Banner-share page on the home site, and a page for selling branded cheap swag with the logo (see below). On the downloads page a section that members can use to download printable cards which can be left in caches or placed on the back of signature cards. A lot of caching groups have a superb download pages which I know the community around the world uses. Many have branded micro logs, branded stash notes and so on. Can we add to ours?

    Marketing - Groundspeak as well as many cachers and caching groups around the world use CafePress. You upload the image and they do the rest without the overheads (do a search for geocaching to see what I mean). Profits from sales can be directed back into GAGB to fund events, competitions and prizes etc. I do promotion and marketing for a historical group sometimes so I know the basics on how to get people to notice us
    Humorous T-shirt slogans would sell quite well, finished with the GAGB logo. Ones currently available include "I use Billion Dollar American Defence Satellites to find Tupperware hidden in the woods. What do you do?" etc, etc.

    Just adding my tuppence worth *plink* h34r:

  17. #17
    nobbynobbs Guest


    i like the cafepress idea. the other bit i will leave for those who understand how these new fangly things work LOL.

  18. #18
    KathyXB Guest


    I like the idea of getting the GAGB icon onto cache listings and so on. Not posted on this thread before cos I know next to nothing about all that computery stuff, but if there is something I can be doing I&#39;d be happy to given the pointing in the right direction&#33;

    As for merchandise/t-shirts I&#39;d still like the "it&#39;s not about the numbers" one LOL :lol:

  19. #19
    Alice Band Guest


    Here&#39;s a web banner I made in 10 mins. Its just an example but its available for people to place on their caching pages till someone with better photoshop software than I can produce a shinier one&#33; You will need to make it linkable as per your homepage software.

    If someone has a copy of that photoshop add-on for buttons, beading and creative artwork I would love a copy

  20. #20
    nobbynobbs Guest


    has anyone ever approached dearest jeremy to ask for a link to us to be put on the resources page on

    it&#39;s not like we are in competition so no reason for him to refuse.

  21. #21
    cacherelle Guest


    Originally posted by Alice Band@Mar 30 2007, 10:22 AM

    Just adding my tuppence worth *plink* h34r:
    THAT was 2p&#39;s worth??? I&#39;d hate to see 10p&#33;

    LOL seriously tho, some good ideas there, the banner would be useful for a few people.

  22. #22
    nobbynobbs Guest


    ok apologies if i&#39;ve missed out anything but looks like the ideas are:

    calling cards to be left in caches
    car stickers/design to be printed out or sold
    stats icon for us to use
    t-shirts and similar from cafepress or amazon
    gb banner for cache pages
    gagb coin
    some form of cache bash for gagb
    gagb "official" rep at other bashes.

    so do we think any of these has legs and is worth the effort?
    and anyone want to volunteer to organise one or more?

  23. #23
    keehotee Guest


    A set of GAGB coins would be nice......or even better, offer people the chance to get personalised GAGB coins - ie GAGB on one side, cachers or groups own bit on the other side.

    If they had to be ordered through GAGB, you could even justify a 10% mark up on them, to make some money to get stickers and other bits made up?

    You could do a set of "landmark" coins - for the 1st, 1000th, 2000th etc UK cache - for people to buy when they&#39;d found those caches. And have a stockpile of personal landmark coins, for 100th, 200th, 1000th finds...

  24. #24
    cacherelle Guest


    Originally posted by keehotee@Apr 9 2007, 10:15 AM
    A set of GAGB coins would be nice......or even better, offer people the chance to get personalised GAGB coins - ie GAGB on one side, cachers or groups own bit on the other side.

    If they had to be ordered through GAGB, you could even justify a 10% mark up on them, to make some money to get stickers and other bits made up?

    You could do a set of "landmark" coins - for the 1st, 1000th, 2000th etc UK cache - for people to buy when they&#39;d found those caches. And have a stockpile of personal landmark coins, for 100th, 200th, 1000th finds...
    Corrrrr that ALL sounds good and a great way to launch the whole marketing strategy. Excellent way to raise awareness and cash to move onto the next project

  25. #25
    nobbynobbs Guest


    coins... well here&#39;s my little thoughts.....

    if we arrange for real coins then
    a, it will cost a large outlay and someone will have to have a large pile of the things.
    b, in the current climate if you released them then they would soon get stolen
    c, if you don&#39;t release them then why bother having trackable ones?

    so would a change be widely appreciated. saw a wooden coin the other day that wasn&#39;t trackable on which might work out much cheaper. then you could have a medal of sorts for each year and for milestones but at less cost hopefully. not that i&#39;ve really looked into the cost yet&#33;

    anyone up for doing the t-shirts etc? but let&#39;s make sure that the material is slightly thicker than tissue&#33;&#33;&#33;

  26. #26
    KathyXB Guest


    A caching friend from the IOW might be able to give me the details of the company they use for t-shirts, they have had designs for their sports team and our mates when we did a competition. All been good quality - and designs of your own can be used. Shall speak to her this week.

  27. #27
    keehotee Guest


    saw a wooden coin the other day that wasn&#39;t trackable on which might work out much cheaper.
    Was it one of these... Old Time Wooden Nickel Co.??

    As an alternative - why not these Custom Dog Tags

  28. #28
    Alice Band Guest


    Even cheaper option - get an official stamp made and stamp a few wooden nickles on one side and sell them in bundles of 25 or 50 on the website and at events. Then cachers can personalise them on the other side. Quite a few cachers do this already, and I am about to. Blank wooden nickles are dead cheap to buy anyway from various sources, which I can supply if needed

    They would also have instant appeal to foreign caches or to foreign cachers. Changing the stamp design on a yearly basis also makes for instant appeal and collectibility.

  29. #29
    nobbynobbs Guest


    things are hopefully in progress on some of the ideas so keep any others coming.

  30. #30
    Alice Band Guest


    Lets plan a year ahead for the first annual GAGB event in the UK. Perhaps a central location to encourage more to come from the far points of the UK, even near an airport?

    Plan for competitions, events and BBQ so that everyone can get involved. Chat to potential sponsors to offer prizes. Perhaps we could do a smaller one towards autumn this year as a weekend team event, with a few larger teams who are decided by lottery who they team up with to encourage friendship etc...

    In the meantime it would be nice to start getting some downloads set up on the GAGB homepages, such as branded Micro logs, &#39;Official Geocache&#39; notices and so on. I had a look at other European caching associations and see how behind this site is compared to others. We don&#39;t have dynamic UK only mapping for UK caches, no caching linked pages, no downloads, no merchandise, but we do have rather too much legislation links which puts off visitors. We need more dynamic stuff, fun pages, a page for the press, and so on.

    More ideas please&#33;

  31. #31
    cacherelle Guest


    Originally posted by Alice Band@Apr 13 2007, 03:11 PM

    More ideas please&#33;
    LOL would do.........................if you left any for the rest of us&#33;&#33; :P

    Seriously though, I know I keep saying it, brilliant stuff&#33;

  32. #32
    nobbynobbs Guest


    what have to meet some of this bunch of nutters?

    :lol: :lol:

    can&#39;t wait.

    like the idea of the autumn meeting.

  33. #33
    Juggles Guest


    Hello everyone,

    Just posting my support for the geocoins idea, I know some get stolen but I don&#39;t think that should put anyone off. Designing, organizing the funding and posting them out, I agree, would need a willing volunteer.

    I am imagining a coin which says something like &#39;Join the GAGB&#39; or &#39;Support the GAGB&#39;. They would have a common mission perhaps simultaneous release - hey perhaps even a race. Everyone likes a new icon, Don&#39;t they?

  34. #34
    Alice Band Guest


    Seeing this thread in the main forum I&#39;m surprised no-one from the &#39;higher-ups&#39; has suggested that we should do just that on this Forum without an outbreak of new forums being set up. h34r:

    Its another perfect opportunity to promote and advertise this site

  35. #35
    keehotee Guest


    I agree with Juggles - even if half of them get stolen, that still leaves half out there - and there can&#39;t be that many coin-thievin&#39; b&#036;%&&#036;rds out there, can there??

    As far as financing them goes - get people to pre-order..&#33;&#33;

  36. #36
    Alice Band Guest


    Ignore my last post. It seems suddenly to have become a terrible idea to some people :unsure:

  37. #37
    KathyXB Guest


    No Alice its a good idea, just some people seem to get the knickers in a knot and can&#39;t co-operate...but the regional links are coming soon anyway.

    Can&#39;t see anyone can whinge if their forum is being linked to from GAGB - they get hits, we get hits, caching gets spread and (theoretically) it works for everyone.

    (of course this is real world and there are some who can&#39;t be pleased no matter what, but it sounds like good progress from where I&#39;m reading&#33

  38. #38

    Join Date
    May 2005
    South of England


    Will this attract more to the forums.

    Some people just want to get out there and walk and only get as far as the nearest cache page .

    We know someone who caches occasionally but he&#39;d never heard of Discuss forums or GAGB til we told him ..and he was up to over 30 finds at the time ,including some with link to GAGB on cache details .
    He was thinking of placing a cache and didn&#39;t know about the seeking permission aspect .
    We like Greens

  39. #39
    Birdman-of-liskatraz Guest


    Originally posted by KathyXB@Apr 21 2007, 09:18 AM
    No Alice its a good idea, just some people seem to get the knickers in a knot and can&#39;t co-operate...but the regional links are coming soon anyway.

    Can&#39;t see anyone can whinge if their forum is being linked to from GAGB - they get hits, we get hits, caching gets spread and (theoretically) it works for everyone.

    (of course this is real world and there are some who can&#39;t be pleased no matter what, but it sounds like good progress from where I&#39;m reading&#33

    Just out of interest - who is this aimed at?

  40. #40
    KathyXB Guest


    Originally posted by Birdman&#045;of&#045;liskatraz@Apr 21 2007, 11:57 AM

    Just out of interest - who is this aimed at?
    Firstly, welcome to the GAGB forums.

    In answer to your question, its to anybody who hasn&#39;t thought through what the GAGB are trying to do with this feature, and who has lost sight of what this - and any other - forum is about: getting cachers talking to each other, to enjoy the sport more and develop it in the UK. Seems to me some people feel their toes are being trodden on when if they looked a bit closer they&#39;d find that isn&#39;t the case. Nobody is trying to take away from the regional forums that already exist.

    Besides, it was also a general observation that in life you can&#39;t please all the people all the time.

    But why is it opinions can&#39;t simply be expressed without people getting offended?

  41. #41
    Birdman-of-liskatraz Guest


    If a National Organisation says it&#39;s going to offer the same facilities that are already being offered at a local level. That National Organisation is linked to from the front of the UK forum - then I think it&#39;s obvious that that organisation has an advantage at attracting new members than a locally based one.

    If it was wrong of me to suggest that, then sorry that&#39;s the way I am. I still feel my concern of smaller forums being walked upon by the GAGB was a perfectly valid one.

    The original proposal was for the GAGB to have Regional forums covering the whole of the UK, so yes the GAGB would be "competing" against local forums and that I don&#39;t feel would be helpful. There&#39;s not enough cachers in many parts of the UK to support yet another forum, which is why I offered to shut down the local one I administer and get everyone to use the GAGB version, I know I wasn&#39;t the only person to feel the same.

    I resent the inference that I can&#39;t cooperate, I was more than willing to cooperate and despite what several people have said, I too want what&#39;s best for caching in my local area and UK wide for that matter.

    The new proposal foots the bill of what&#39;s needed perfectly, allowing new forums to be created as needed.

    For your information, I did think it through quite thoroughly, and I hope the suggestions that I made to Bill, Stuart, Fiona and others were useful.

    Personally I feel this has been discussed enough, the time has come to move on and let the regional Forums develop and grow and prove how useful they truly are.

    Finally... I don&#39;t wear knickers... I&#39;m more of a boxers type of guy....

  42. #42
    nobbynobbs Guest


    the sun is shining the temperature is pleasant, why aren&#39;t we all out caching with a big smile on our faces&#33;&#33; :lol:

    and keep the ideas coming people. the last one had problems with it&#39;s execution not in the actual idea. note to self... must try harder.... sometimes i recon that should be my epitaph i&#39;ve been told it so many times :lol:

  43. #43
    KathyXB Guest


    Birdman when I answered your question I did say my comments were directed at "anyone who..." - therefore I was not directing them at you personally and I&#39;m sorry that you have taken them so.

    See it wasn&#39;t your knickers (ok boxers) to which I was referring&#33;&#33;


  44. #44

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Birdman-of-liskatraz wrote:
    For your information, I did think it through quite thoroughly, and I hope the suggestions that I made to Bill, Stuart, Fiona and others were useful.
    Yes, they were indeed useful, and most welcome&#33; And it was good to have input from someone already running a regional forum.

    I agree with you that the time has come to move on and let&#39;s see what happens with the regional forums now...
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  45. #45
    Hound of Ulster Guest


    Hi all,

  46. #46
    Hound of Ulster Guest


    whoa what happened there, does the return key automatically email your post?

    Nah cant have been I just used it again.

    Anyway as I was saying before......
    Hi all

    I&#39;m totally new here, and I got here cos of links from other sites etc regarding Geo caching.

    I&#39;m new to the sport, infact I don&#39;t even have a GPS thingy yet, but that will be sorted soon I hope.

    I want to involved my family and I want to enjoy getting out and about, I don&#39;t want to read stuff that is not useful to my hunting.

    So down to my points,

    If there are so many members but to few posts is it because the forum is hidden from the main site? I ask because some of the links appear broken on the forum, or it could be my PC and IE7 causing problems?

    I don&#39;t live in the GB, but I do live in the UK. I joined because I wanted to find out more about geocaching and the opportunities available in the UK.

    I am also a member of other forums and have found that there is always a core of users for forums, but not all the members chose to use the forums, either because they don&#39;t feel the need or the information is not relevant to them. Many are just out doing what they love most and don&#39;t have the time.

    For the forums to be more widely used would it not be better to create topics that people can start posting to and much of that seems to appear on

    What exactly are we trying to do here and what is the problem?

    I have only been reading for a week and already have found GC UK, GAGB,and others. Is this a case of too many sites, are they all the same or is GAGB the National site with others just sprouting up cause people want too create their own?

    I ask because I am interested in a site that is the place for cachers to come and use for the UK and Europe, but from a British perspective instead of an American viewpoint.

    Like everything it will only be used if there is the relevant information being posted that helps people, and if they get it else where, then it will not be used.

    I did like the information from the Woodland Trust and more of this type of information would be good. Some stickies on equipment reviews how to&#39;s etc would also be good. For a complete novice like me info on how to what to and where to is useful. Photo&#39;s are great also.

    I know much of this happens elsewhere and as I have not taken the time yet (school run calls) to read all the posts in this forum I may have missed much that is important, but I&#39;m all ears for discussion.

  47. #47
    nobbynobbs Guest


    well firstly welcome to the addiction. makes no odds that you are over the water you&#39;re welcome here.

    this site is basically a tool for the geocachers of the uk to make use of, with info on agreements and how to go about making them.

    feel free to ask any questions in new threads.

  48. #48

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    North Wales


    A quick explanation of the different sites might help you is the main geocache listing site [there are others but they are a lot smaller, with very few members in the UK or Europe]

    GAGB was set up by experienced caches to provide support to the UK Geocaching community, as you have noticed up to now a large part of the support has been negotiating and hosting details of Land Owner Agreements. But as membership is increasing they are looking to increase the services provided [the one exception being the actual listing of caches]

    G:UK was started by a man with a big heart [Mark is sadly no longer with us] and has been carried on by the joint owner Teasel, to provide statistics and other geocaching related information, and does include downloads to Tom Tom amongst other formats. The basic cache information is obtained from with their permission. The site fills in a need by UK based geocachers which GC has no intentions of ever filling.

    There are several regional discussion forums, that fill in local needs, which the main UK one on GC could not fill due to it being a Moderated one [wild off topic discussion are just some of the things that get discussed on them]. They also allow the discussion in detail of local caches again something that they are not able to do on the main GC forums.

    GAGB at the suggestion of one of their members is actively looking into setting up regional forums were there is a need felt by those in a specific area.

    As you can see from the above, they all actively, fit in with each other. And is no different from the situation in the US. the main differences are the size of the UK as a whole is smaller than some states, and our regional areas are the size of some large metropolitan areas there

    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  49. #49
    Hound of Ulster Guest


    Many thanks for those responses, it has enlightened me further as to where we are and what is going on in geo land.

    I may not be as active in GAGB as some but I shall drop in every now and then to keep my self up todate with what is going on. I have stuck it in my favourites and shall call in. As I am only getting started on our caching adventure I don&#39;t want to overload the kids and wife with to many sites and go here and do this etc.

    Watch for me popping up every so often to ask something or request help. h34r:

  50. #50
    nobbynobbs Guest


    well we might all be hiding the next time &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :lol:

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