so easy one a question is set, answer it and when it's confirmed you've got it right you set the next question....
easy one to start with
who was the first star wars main character to speak in the original film?h34r:
so easy one a question is set, answer it and when it's confirmed you've got it right you set the next question....
easy one to start with
who was the first star wars main character to speak in the original film?h34r:
C-3PO the droid B)
Aaaaah - this was a pub quiz question years ago - and we got it wrong with C3PO - because although he's a major character, he doesn't speak - he's a droid, and therefore communicates by making noises with a speaker, and not a voice box.
The first spoken lines aren't until over 5 minutes into the film - by one of the troopers, and the reply is by Darth Vader.
I 'spose it all depends on how pedantic the quizmaster is feeling.......
edit: although come to think of it, that's how Darth Vader communicates too. Hmmmmmm????
i'm not anally retentive or pedantic so as far as i'm concerned voice was emitted by an ACTOR , yes i'm sorry to break it to you, C3PO isn't realso C3PO is the answer.... all yours kathy. :lol:
Blimey didn't expect that much controversy...
What was the name painted on the vehicle that the Bride uses to drive around exacting her revenge in Kill Bill?
Oooh ooh - was it Pussy wagon????
Certainly was. Your go...
Which of the following films from the past 10 years has the highest bodycount, and which has the lowest?
1.Resident Evil:Apocalypse
2.Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones
3.Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
4.Batman Begins
5.The Scorpion King
6. Kill Bill 2
ok purely guesswork and no google
star wars
resident evil apocalypse
No - neither of those - or not in that order. Would be more specific but that'd narrow it down to far.
highest lord of the rings and lowest kill bill 2???![]()
sooner or later i'll get it right by default... though it's a shame no one else if around to play.
Got the first one right...lowest, anyone?
I'm around... but don't have a clue about recent films. I rarely watch them... that's MrB and young MrB's speciality.
batman begins..........?
well by the process of elimination it was going to happen sooner or later.
what is the name of the first person on the minig tug to get killed by the alien?
yes over to you...hello is anyone else out there?????
William Hurt starred in my favourite file (the name of which shall remain a mystery to all) - but he also starred in Lost In Space. What was his (and consequently his family's) name?
Sorry - this is actually a really easy question - but I'm too tired to think of a harder one right now.
The Robinson family ?
ding....your go
woo woo!!
At last 1 we know![]()
In Shaun of the Dead when the gang are barracaded in the Winchester during the fight scene with "John" what song is played on the jukebox?
Queen - don't stop me now :lol:
Blimeyobviously far too easy!!
your go
Only easy cos we watched it just a few weeks ago![]()
In the Harry Potter films, Peter Pettigrew, a schoolfriend of Harry's father, was wrongly thought to have been long dead. This was because all that had been found left of him was what part?
: :unsure: :huh:
:P a finger.......
Yes wormtail...with a missing digit.
Well done keehotee. On you go!
OK - another of my favourites - in the film Silent Running, where were the interior shots of the spaceship Valley Forge filmed?
Still no one knows it..... & its usually me that kills a thread :P
Was it an aircraft carrier?
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
...keep going...Was it an aircraft carrier?
Does that mean I'm on the right lines or completely off the rails!
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
by the power of google!!!!!!
filmed in the Mitchell Park Domes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but the production budget forced the sequences to be shot in a newly-completed aircraft hangar in Van Nuys, California.
DR.Ape was close - nobby you're way off the mark - I'd get a new google if I were you....!!
H.M.S.Invincible ?
We like Greens
Valley Forge
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
DR Ape gets it - the interior shots of the space freighter Valley Forge were filmed in the aircraft carrier USS Valley Forge, which was about to be scrapped by the US Navy....
Your go.
What film have Pierce Brosnam and Billy Speedramp got in common?
An easy one, as it's our first go.
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
Just guessing here - is it Lawnmower Man by any chance?????
well done, now its ur turn!!!!
promise we wont cheat. we'll keep our hands over our eyes.
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
how did u guess!!!
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
I've just got a memory for silly names - and Billy Speedramp's one of 'em - there was an article on lawnmower racing in one of my brother in laws car mags - and last time I was there I was sat on the loo (as you do......) flicking through them, and read it.
But I digress - on with the thread - - - - - based on another favourite...
What (rather tenuously) links Donald Sutherland and Nescafe Gold Blend?
Some sort of rich, smooth aroma? LOL :lol:
Can't say I've ever been close enough to Donald Sutherland to'll have to buff up your ideas if you want a stake in the prize.
they both do dog impersonations!!!!!![]()
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - so says Eldest Ape.
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
Donald Sutherland played watcher to Kristy Swanson's Buffy in the original movie. TV Buffy's watcher was played by Anthony Stuart Head - MR Suave Gold Blend himself.....( and the PM in Little Britain)
This one is a little bit more obscure.
In what 'colourfull' film was the Shark a singer?
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?
Ok this is begining to bug me..... any chance of a clue?
I did say it was obscure so I dont want to put you under pressure!
Who's had the accident!!
Who called the doctor?