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Thread: Mmmmmmm

  1. #1
    keehotee Guest


    N = C + {fb (cm) . fb (tc)} + fb (Ts) + fc . ta, where N=force in Newtons required to break the cooked bacon, fb=function of the bacon type, fc=function of the condiment/filling effect, Ts=serving temperature, tc=cooking time, ta=time or duration of application of condiment/filling, cm=cooking method, C=Newtons required to break uncooked bacon.

    According to scientists (????) at the Department of Food Science at Leeds University this is the formula for a perfect bacon sarnie.
    ( Scientists' 'perfect' bacon butty )

    I can't believe four researchers spent more than 1,000 hours testing 700 variations on the traditional bacon sandwich - AND DIDN'T PUT A RUNNY FRIED EGG IN THERE..!!!!!!! Heathens!!!!!!!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales



    "C=Newtons required to break uncooked bacon."

    What? : cooked bacon will break... if I make it crispy enough. :unsure:

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2005
    South of England


    They forgot the tomato sauce !
    We like Greens

  4. #4
    cacherelle Guest


    Originally posted by keehotee@Apr 9 2007, 05:38 PM

    I can't believe four researchers spent more than 1,000 hours testing 700 variations on the traditional bacon sandwich - AND DIDN'T PUT A RUNNY FRIED EGG IN THERE..!!!!!!! Heathens!!!!!!!
    Nor the brown sauce!! SLLLUURRRRP! :P

    EEEEEK what am I talking about..........................I'm a vegetarian!! : :

  5. #5
    nobbynobbs Guest


    a VEGGIE!!!!! how do you get the energy to get out caching? :lol:

    and any veggie is just one whiff of a bacon sarnie from coming back to the real world.

    mine always used to be bacon and mushrooms with brown sauce.. but only because you could guarenttee that the egg would drip all over the uniform otherwise.


  6. #6
    cacherelle Guest


    Originally posted by nobbynobbs@Apr 10 2007, 08:20 PM
    a VEGGIE!!!!! how do you get the energy to get out caching? :lol:

    LMAO derrrr why do you think I only go out with toyboys!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. #7
    KathyXB Guest


    Vivien I think you may have a contender! Get the pair of you together and Lost It would have a field day :lol:

  8. #8
    Alice Band Guest


    Mmmmmmm grilled crunchy bacon *drool*

    Mind you, I like some beef jerky on the caching trail too h34r:

  9. #9
    nobbynobbs Guest


    Originally posted by Alice Band@Apr 13 2007, 09:31 PM

    Mind you, I like some beef jerky on the caching trail too h34r:
    doesn't make you a bad person! :lol: and what you get up to is your own business

  10. #10
    Alice Band Guest


    :huh: :

  11. #11
    nobbynobbs Guest


    i got an unexpected bacon breakfast this morning, well there was a tray of it going spare so i felt the need to relieve some of the weight on the tray well i earned it today looking after some kids

  12. #12
    nobbynobbs Guest


    i thought there was something missing from this equation....

    they forgot to add in the extra value for when it is made by someone else. somehow a fried breakfast or bacon sarnie always tastes better if you didn't make it. ( even better if away from home and no need to think about the washing up)

  13. #13
    Alice Band Guest


    And a good bacon sarnie has been the downfall of many a vegetarian. I love crispy bacon sarnies myself.... B)

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