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GAGB Quarterly Newsletter Issue 1

Welcome to the first quarterly newsletter for members of the GAGB.

We have been trying to find a suitable way to keep you all up to date with what's going on with the association and hence this new newsletter.

We are intending to produce this four times a year and hope that you find it interesting and worth reading.

However, we understand that you may wish to choose to not receive any more. Details can be found at the bottom of this newsletter on how to un-subscribe

Committee Elections 2009

It's that time of year again where we need you to come and vote for who you'd like to represent you on the committee.

Sadly Bill is unable to stand this year as chairman so our first election will be for a new chairman. We will be taking nominations very shortly.

Then we will be taking nominations for the committee members prior to holding elections.

Please come and vote. We're only here to try and make things better for cachers in the UK, we do that for you and can only do so if we know what it is that you want.

Please note that you will need to renew your membership before being able to vote.

The progress of the nominations, elections and how to vote can be found in the following forum thread.

GAGB Merchedise

We've recently begun producing some products with the GAGB logo via Geotees. There are two mugs available, a clear window sticker, a bumper sticker and a T-shirt.

There is also a personalized, trackable flag for easy identification at events.

A donation is made from each sale to the GAGB funds to help with the maintenance of the site and future projects.

Store Discounts

We've been trying to arrange special discounts for our members. So far we have been given a discount code from Cotswold Leisure. This is for all members to use either online or, by printing out a bar code, in their shops. You can find the details in the members chat section of the forums.

Hopefully we'll have more to announce in the future.

Environment day 2010

We are planning to have an environment day next spring.

We will have a camping event and associated non camping events over the course of a weekend.

What we're hoping to do is have a weekend where we will under take numerous tasks with the National Trust. Cache in trash out and any other tasks that they can find for us to do. So if you've got any special skills we'd be very grateful of your help, if you're like me and have very limited skills we'd be even more grateful.

Newsletter & Membership Details

You're receiving this newsletter as a member of the GAGB, if however you wish to no-longer recieve newsletters or similar items please click here. We will however to send you correspondence by e-mail relating to you're membership of the association, this will include details regarding the annual association elections

To review and renew your membership of the association please click here.

The GAGB relies on donations by it\'s members to cover any cost incurred in the running of the GAGB
If you are able to donate to these costs, you can do this using paypal, by clicking on the button below.