I have now finished creating a proposed GAGB Constitution (along with some "author's notes") which the committee have had a chance to comment on & help edit.
The proposed constitution will be found HERE, and the "author's notes" are HERE.
The constitution is heavily based on the WHR Constitution.
The plan is to ask for your comments over the next 7 days, and then next Friday we will run a poll for 7days, to vote on whether you want to accept the constitution: a simple majority of those voting will be needed to accept the constitution.... although we hope EVERYONE will vote in favour!
If you have any comments, please make them as constructive as possible: I'm sure many of you have some very valid ideas, and I am quite willing to make sensible changes to the proposed constitution, if it helps to make it more sensible, and more acceptable.
Paul Blitz
on behalf of the GAGB Committee