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Geocaching Acronyms

Ever wondered what all those initials are about? Here's a starter list of the acronyms used by geocachers.

BOCP - Base of Concrete Post

BOP - Base of Post

BOT - Base of Tree

BYOP - Bring your Own Pencil/Pen

C&D - Cache and Dash

CITO - Cache In Trash Out

CO - Cache Owner

COTD - Cache of the Day

DNF - Did Not Find

EO - Event Organiser

EOW - End of Wall

FLTF - Full Log to Follow

FTF - First to Find

GC - Geocoin

GPSr - GPS Receiver

GZ - Ground Zero (Cache Coordinates)

ICP - Ivy Covered Post

ICT - Ivy Covered Tree

LHS - Left Hand Side

LN - Left Nothing (in the Cache)

LOFTS - Logged Only For The Smiley

LTF - Log to Follow

LWF - Log will Follow

MTT - Multi-Trunked Tree

NA - Needs Archiving

NHA - No Hint Available

NM - Needs Maintenance

P&G - Park & Grab (US)

PAF - Phone a Friend

PMO - Premium Member Only

PQ - Pocket Query

QEF - Quick Easy Find

RAF - Replaced as Found

RHS - Right Hand Side

SL - Signed Logbook

STF - Second to Find

TB - Travel Bug

TFTC - Thanks for the Cache

TFTE - Thanks for the Event

TFTH - Thanks for the Hide/Hunt/Hike

TN - Took Nothing (from the Cache)

TNLN - Took Nothing Left Nothing

TNLNSL - Took Nothing Left Nothing, Signed Log

TTT - Triple Trunk Tree

IV - Ivy

Less Common Geocaching Acronyms

AMIAT - Another Micro in a Tree

AWP - Additional Waypoint

CRAP - Cache Retrieved as Planned

DISCO - Disguised Container (Scotland)

FIGS - Found in Good Shape

MKH - Magnetic Key Holder

MKS - Magnetic Key Safe

NiAH - Needle in a Haystack

OFTN - One for the Numbers

OPS - Obvious Pile of Sticks/Stones

SBA - Should be Archived

SOOP - Something Out of Place

TAF - Text a Friend

TOTT - Tools of the Trade

UPR - Unnatural Pile of Rocks

UPS - Unnatural Pile of Sticks

URP - Unusual rock pile

XNSL - Exchanged Nothing, Signed Log

This list of acronyms was modified from the list published in the GAGB's Seeker Magazine Issue 24 (January 2015). You can read all past issues here, where you'll find equally informative articles.

A good glossary of different geocaching terms, explaining some of these acronyms, can be found on the Geocaching website.