I'm somewhat surprised and very flattered to have been nominated and seconded for the post of Chairman! Thank you Dave of the Wombles for nominating me, and Dave MP for seconding the nomination.
I've found the work that I've done for GAGB during the year and a half that I've been on the committee very time-consuming, sometimes frustrating and all too often something of a thankless task! Much like the work I've done for other committees in the past, in fact. Nonetheless, I do feel that GAGB have made a great deal of progress during that time, and are fulfilling a task which is essential to the future of caching in this country. I would like to see that work continue, and I'm willing to help with it myself in whatever ways I can, so after some consideration I've decided that I would be prepared to act as Chairman of GAGB, should I be elected.
I hereby accept the nomination.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)