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Agreement Used
Used by:
294 cachers

Forestry England - New Forest and Dorset

Agreement Type:



Forestry England, South England Forest District


Original Negotiator : Dave (The Wombles)
2022 Negotiator: Chris Carpenter (Saza36)
2023 Chris Warren(Stoke Bunnies)

Start Date


Renewal Date




Permission is given to the Permit Holder to Geocache in New Forest and Dorset on Forestry England land, subject to the following conditions.

Prior consent will need to be sought for each individual cache placed in the New Forest a our woods in Dorset - For information not all woods are ours, there are some which are leased, some sites may have restrictions due to harvesting, species and habitats - so it will be necessary to agree each location in advance.

The cache needs to be no larger than 3 litre capacity (ice cream tub size) made of plastic with 4-slip lock secured lid. More importantly the cache must be placed in such a way as not to cause any risk, damage or disturbance to flora or fauna.

Obey all signs and diversions.

All materials and media produced by the Permit Holder in connection with this permission, or other publicity, shall acknowledge and give full recognition to Forestry England.


The area over which the rights are granted:-

New Forest and Dorset - please notify us of caches by email for New Forest, and prior to any sitting in Dorset.

Freehold woods only.


From 01/01/2022 To 31/12/2022

The permission will subsist at the discretion of the Forest District Manager who may withdraw it at any time.


There is no charge for the rights granted.


a. The activities and their locations will be specified by the Deputy Surveyor and will be staged within the New Forest area. An agreed maximum of 250 physical caches can be placed on Forestry England land at any one time.

b. Cache owners may only own 10 caches each. To place another cache a previous one they own must first be archived.

c. The responsibility for ensuring that the area and/or the route(s) are safe and suitable for the activities will rest with the Geocache Placers/Geocachers and they will ensure that public rights of way are not impeded.

d. Geocache Placers/Geocachers will pay compensation or make good to the Deputy Surveyor's satisfaction all damage to Forestry England’s property caused by the exercise of this permission. Geocache Placers/Geocachers will clear all equipment and litter brought onto Forestry England land by them, to the satisfaction of the Deputy Surveyor.

e. Geocache Placers/Geocachers will ensure proper consideration is given to protect safety of participants and members of the public likely to be within the vicinity of the activity, including the livestock.

f. Geocache Placers/Geocachers will advise Forestry England within 24 hours of the end of an activity of any accident to a participant, spectator, or third party which arises as a result of the exercise of this permission. 

g. If Forestry England’s tenants and/or landlords or other persons having an interest in the land are likely to be affected by this permission, then the Permit Holder will notify the relevant Geocache Placer.

h. The Deputy Surveyor will ensure that all relevant forest district staff are notified of the permission and the approved routes or areas to be used.

i. Geocache Placers/Geocachers will ensure that no vehicles owned or used by them enter Forestry England land, except for parking in recognised car parks.

j. The Permit Holder will ensure that the Forestry Commission Byelaws are observed, except as expressly authorised by this Agreement. A copy of the Byelaws will be supplied on request by the Deputy Surveyor. In particular the Permit Holder will ensure: • there is no lighting of fires • all gates are left in the position as found • reasonable care is taken to prevent disturbance to wild fauna and flora and to livestock • compliance with any instructions issued by the Deputy Surveyor or his authorised representative. • there is to be no disturbance to the general public • Overnight parking in Forestry England car parks is against the Byelaws.

k. Forestry England reserves the right to revoke this permission at any time by notice given to the Permit Holder in writing. If the revocation is to meet Forestry England requirements a refund of the charge will be made unless a suitable alternative location can be provided. If the revocation is required as a result of default by the Permit Holder or any representative no refund will be made.

l. Nothing in this permission shall be construed as creating a business tenancy under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.

m. Please ensure that all cache containers are clearly marked ‘Geocache’, stating that the contents are harmless (no dangerous items, matches, knives, food, drink and no alcohol) with the Placers’ e-mail address or other contact method. Only items that would be deemed safe and acceptable for an unaccompanied child to find should be placed in the cache.

n. The Cache is to be no larger than 3 litre capacity (ice cream tub size) made of plastic with 4-clip lock secured lid.

o. All caches are to be placed in such a way as not to cause any risk, damage or disturbance to the flora or fauna.

p. Caches must not be buried, and holes must not be dug in order to place a cache, and must not be hidden in animal holes or runs.  

q. Please do not place caches on islands where it would be necessary to wade through water and disturb pond life or wildlife.

r. Caches must not be placed up trees, where it would necessitate climbing to retrieve them.

s. Fences, walls and structures should never be damaged when placing or seeking a cache.

t. Before placing a cache, Forestry England must be contacted to ensure that the proposed site is acceptable and that the management of the site does not compromise the cache.

u. Caches must be located near to tracks and car parks.

v. Maintenance of the cache is the responsibility of the placer.

w. When leaving the cache site, after finding or hiding a cache, there must be no visual sign of disturbance.

x. No caches designed for overnight use are to be approved or placed on Forestry England land.

y. Caches may only be visited during the day.

z. While there is open access through most of the forest on foot, cycle or horse, no vehicle access is permitted off the public highway. Always park sensibly, please do not park in forest entrances, as many forest roads are used by large articulated lorries that require significant space to manoeuvre. Blocking entrances can seriously impede emergency access/egress. Please park in designated car parks. Any Pay & Display parking charges will still apply.

All materials and media produced by the Permit Holder in connection with this permission, or other publicity, shall acknowledge and give full recognition to Forestry England.

This is a working wood/forest, cachers may come across work sites, workers and vehicles during their visit. Please avoid all working areas and obey any safety signs and instructions. They must not enter any areas where access has been restricted.

This wood/forest and the roads and tracks are used for a lot of different activities. Caches may meet other people during their visit - please be on the look out for them, as they may be unaware that cachers are there. Please also respect their rights to enjoy their recreation.

Conditions can change very rapidly in forests and woodlands. Cachers must make sure that they are properly prepared for their visit, and are responsible for their own safety.

As the forest areas subject to this permission are also used by certain other third parties, it is necessary in the interests of management of the forest and safety for such third parties to notify you of events, which may affect or restrict your use of the forest. In these circumstances Forestry England will disclose your details to certain other forest users for this purpose only.

Application Process

Please note that there is a maximum number of 250 caches in the New Forest. If you wish to place a cache in the New Forest then please contact Kim Ebner to ensure that this limit has not been reached. Caches on FC land in Dorset must have prior permission before being placed, and this must be applied for through emailing Kim Ebner.

Agreement File:

The following file is attached to this agreement: geocaching new forest and dorset.pdf

Area Covered

England/Dorset. England/Hampshire. England/Isle of Wight.

Last Modified

24th Feb 2024.


Do you have any feedback about this agreement? Click here to submit feedback to the committee.