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Please would all owners inform me of caches that already exist on our sites so they can be checked.
Geocaches may be placed on Parks and Open Spaces sites in accordance with the following arrangements:
Parks and open spaces cited in appendix of the Oxford City Council byelaws
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) or sensitive managed wildlife sites.
A cacher wishing to place a cache in an Oxford City Council park will first visit the site to see if it is suitable.
The cacher will then contact Oxford City Council Parks Service to seek permission supplying his/her contact details a digital photo of the location, an 6 figure grid reference and a precise description of the location, or coordinates i.e. height above ground, type of structure, tree (inc species) etc.
Permission for the proposed cache will be granted or declined by Oxford City Council within 28 days.
If further information is needed a request will be sent to the cacher.
• NB Only members of geocache.com will be permitted to place caches on Oxford City Council land and therefore proof of membership will be requested by Oxford City Council before a cacher is allowed to place a cache.
Once permission has been granted to geocache.com to locate a cache, the following guidelines must be adhered to:
• The cache container will be clearly marked, stating that the content is harmless and giving a contact name and telephone number for the Geocaching Association of Great Britain.
• Only items that would be deemed safe and acceptable for an unaccompanied child to find should be placed in a cache.
• No cache should be placed in such a way as to risk damage or disturbance to any Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM), cultivated flower bed, sports or recreation pitch, European Protected Species or other feature.
• No cache will be placed in such a manner or place so as to result in a breach of the Wildlife and Countryside Act as amended by the Countryside and Rights of Way act 2000.
• No items of food or drink of any kind should be placed in the cache.
• Caches must not be buried. Therefore the location of a cache will not involve disturbance of the soil.
• Caches should not be hidden in animal holes or runs or hollows in trees that may be used as a bat roost
• Caches will not be placed under water or in locations that may be inundated with water.
• Cache containers should not be placed inside a polythene bag.
• Caches must not be sited in locations that require the cacher or finder to climb over a fence or wall.
• No caches should be of a commercial nature, either in location or content.
• Maintenance of the cache is the responsibility of the cacher.
• When leaving the cache site, after hiding or placing a cache, there should be no visual sign of disturbance.
• No lighters, matches or flammable objects should be placed in the cache.
• No cache should be placed in a wall, building, play equipment or other man made structure
• The City County Council accepts no responsibility for caches, which have been lost, stolen, damaged or used to deposit defamatory statements.
• Maintenance of the cache is the responsibility of the person placing the cache.
• No cache must be placed in such a location or manner as to lead to a breach of the Oxford City Council parks byelaws
• Oxford City Council reserves the right to review and change this policy without reference to geocache.com or GAGB.
• Oxford City Council reserves the right to revoke permission and or remove a cache without notice or explanation.
• For reasons of safety and security Oxford City Council forbid the placing of caches between sunset and sunrise.
6th Jul 2016.
Do you have any feedback about this agreement? Click here to submit feedback to the committee.